Tuesday, May 18, 2010

nothing is out of our "control"

in the past few weeks I've learnt alot about astral projection etc. its taught me alot, how to be happy for one. iv also learnt how to project better auras towards others. this will sound weird to most of you but to the few that do understand, it is quite easy.

the first evidence i have of this is...

ever since i was little i used to walk up to jakes house (my friend down the road)
and every time id walk up there these dogs would go off! coz theyre guard dogs at a buisness..
and i used to always be like "wow how cool would it be if i could just send them a message through thinking"
so every time iv walked past i tried it (as weird as that sounds)

coz you know how a dog can tell if youre scared so they protect you coz you send out pheromones? (i believe thats what they are?)
yeah well the other week or so i walked past with darcy and knox i think
and i stopped and closed my eyes and just thought about them and like did the same thing, except i thought alot more about the projection of this "aura"
and they stopped straight away, i was pretty much amazed, and so were Darcy and Knox.

but i thought it may have been because last week with Darcy and Knox it was dark. so today i went down there again to test it out. it worked amazingly well. and when i tried to get them to bark again by thinking about it extensively, they did!

I've also got another secret thought train which i have been doing this past week and it has been working, i dont want to give it away till im sure though so stay posted :)

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